Janine Gerber

In 2018 the jury members from internationally renowned art galleries and museums met to award the first Possehl Art Prizes. They were unanimous in selecting Janine Gerber (*1974) as the first winner of the Possehl Prize for Lübeck Art. In its decision the jury acknowledged “the rigour with which Janine Gerber examines the relationship between space and image, both in her work in paint and in her paper installations”. The artist studied under Katherina Grosse at the Weißensee College of Art in Berlin. This prize gives her the opportunity to craft her artistic response to larger-scale spaces as part of her project, WHAT I SEE   LOOKS AT ME.

In August/September 2019 her exhibition WHAT I SEE   LOOKS AT ME was on display in the former industrial chain warehouse at Kulturwerft Gollan.


Possehl Foundation Lübeck

Beckergrube 38 – 52
D-23552 Lübeck
E-Mail: possehl-stiftung(at)possehl.de
Tel.: +49 (0)451 148-200

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Emil's bequest

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