What we promote

In accordance with its articles of association, the Possehl Foundation promotes “the preservation of the city’s beautiful buildings and amenities, charitable institutions, young people, the advancement of the arts and sciences and the alleviation of hardship” in Lübeck. In other words, the Foundation supports community life in the Hanseatic city in a multitude of ways. Every year we approve up to 500 funding applications, which reflect the diversity of the non-profit and benevolent work carried out by the people of Lübeck. It is largely thanks to our founder, Emil Possehl, that we can provide such a wide range of long-term funding. More than one hundred years ago he defined the purpose of the Foundation in the broad terms that give us the high degree of flexibility we enjoy today. On the following pages you can read about a small sample of the many different projects we sponsor.

The Possehl Foundation can only sponsor activities that are directly linked to Lübeck. If you would like to apply for funding, all the necessary information can be found on our German website at "Ihr Antrag".


Possehl Foundation Lübeck

Beckergrube 38 – 52
D-23552 Lübeck
E-Mail: possehl-stiftung(at)possehl.de
Tel.: +49 (0)451 148-200

Find Out More

Our publications

More about the Foundation

Here you can find our annual reports, Emil Possehl’s will, our art catalogues and publications to mark the 100th jubilee of the foundation.


Emil's bequest

Our articles of association

The Foundation only supports non-profit and charitable causes and “promotes all that is good and beautiful in Lübeck”.