Sabine Egelhaaf

The Possehl Prize for Lübeck Art 2023 went to the artist Sabine Egelhaaf for the production of a project featuring audience participation and installations in the public space.

“The artist’s body of work is defined by multimedia installations and complex, location-specific projects in the public space; the poetic impact of her installations addresses the spectator as a partner in thought and deed”, noted the members of the international jury in their statement. Thanks to the prize from the Possehl Foundation, Sabine Egelhaaf will be able to complete her project entitled, SAMMELSTELLE (collection/assembly point), a responsive, sculptural work in progress. An open architectural structure that includes plants and seating will be installed in the urban space and serve as a communication base, inviting passers-by to discuss ideas and strategies for a sustainable future and think about the options available to us. In her project the artist references the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted by the United Nations, which constitute a shared blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet, now and into the future. It was her approach to audience participation and sustained reflection on a relevant social issue, carried out together with residents and visitors to Lübeck, that the judges found particularly compelling.

Sabine Egelhaaf's art project will be installed on the roof terrace of the European Hansemuseum Lübeck from August to October 2024.

More: 1. "Mannigfaltigkeit oder – bedachte Gärten" (detail) (Diversity or – thoughts on gardens), 2020, Künstlerhaus Schloss Plüschow, Mecklenburg-East Pomerania

2. Sabine Egelhaaf (*1958)  

 ©️ Christian Egelhaaf

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Possehl Foundation Lübeck

Beckergrube 38 – 52
D-23552 Lübeck
E-Mail: possehl-stiftung(at)
Tel.: +49 (0)451 148-200

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