Sebastian Schröder

In 2020 our jury awarded the second Possehl Prize for Lübeck Art to Sebastian Schröder (*1981 in Zwenkau near Leipzig). The jury justified its decision in part with the ‘multifarious’ nature of Sebastian Schröder’s work, commenting, “The artist experiments with very different techniques and the breadth of contemporary visual culture and aesthetics.” 

In his project 'A Dance Macabre (the Death and the Truth)' he built a large diptych, or double panel, made up of approximately 400,000 fused plastic beads, which the technically versatile artist presented at his exhibition entitled MEMENTO MORBI in the Castle Gate in Lübeck. Here he worked with the danses macabres that feature in medieval imagery and included references to the covid pandemic.

Further information:


Sebastian Schröder: A Dance Macabre (the Death and the Truth), Hama beads; Burgtor Lübeck 2023; Foto: Sebastian Schröder

Sebastian Schröder: Trial piece for the Possehl Prize project, Hama beads, 2021


Possehl Foundation Lübeck

Beckergrube 38 – 52
D-23552 Lübeck
E-Mail: possehl-stiftung(at)
Tel.: +49 (0)451 148-200

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